A Review of What Ted Weiland Teaches.

Teaching of Ted Weiland

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A Review of Ted R. Weiland's Bible Sermons



A Message to Ted Weiland

By John Hurt


Ted, if there are any factual errors with what I have put on this website, you can email me at and I will make the necessary changes.

If you want me to remove this website, here is what you need to do:

1. Apologize by name to the two families that took in the homeless girls, and to the family that you accused of "Cuban Ancestry". Do this in one of your audio sermons, and post it on your website so it will be a public apology. Even though some of these people are dead, their children still bear the scars of what you did.

2. Acknowledge to the public that you have repented of not following Christ's commandment in Matthew 18:15-17 to meet with people in private first before making your issues public, and that it won't happen in the future.

3. Take down the "Misplaced Chivalry" sermons, and erase them from your website.

4. Take down the "Anti-Paul Faction" sermons, and erase them from your website.

Ted, you used my private correspondence in a public way, for which I never granted you permission.

You don't have to apologize to me, just take the "Anti-Paul Faction" audio files off your site.

John Hurt

1857 Brindley Hollow Rd
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548